Revenue-Driving Provider Solutions

Insightful Possibilities.

Elevated Performance.

Low-risk, high-value solutions for healthcare providers designed to optimize revenue and reduce complexity through industry experience and technology-driven insights.
A graphical representation of Acclaimed Health Partners' growth and performance.
An illustration of a doctor reviewing patient information on a tablet.
Line graph with upward trend and dollar bill icon.

Increase Revenue

Uncover even the hardest to find opportunities to optimize new and recurring revenue streams.

Calendar with dollar sign icon.

Plan Ahead

Leverage accurate predictions to proactively prepare for the future growth of your organization.

Dollar sign and star icon with circular arrows.

Improve Care

Streamline care coordination, patient engagement, and back-office operations.

We Assume the Risk

Premier Partnership for Healthcare Providers

As your strategic partner, our services are offered at no charge until we uncover new revenue for your organization. Our team’s industry-leading expertise paired with proprietary technology solutions allow us to assume the risk while your organization claims the reward.
Multiple transparent screens displaying analytical data and charts.
Computer screen displaying various data analytics and graphs.
Icon of a person standing at a crossroads with arrows pointing in multiple directions.


We help providers increase MA revenue within their value-based contracts by leveraging our industry expertise to restructure contracts in the provider’s favor.

Bar chart icon with green, blue, and orange bars.

Patient Engagement

We thread the needle through value-based metrics, enabling proactive engagement between providers and patients that delivers real, measurable impact.

Globe with interconnected nodes and lines representing data connections.


Mapping the Way for Value-based Contract Optimization

Our goal is to where no other organization has gone before by supporting providers in effectively navigating their Value-based Contracts (VBCs) for optimal clinical and financial results. We offer comprehensive services in contract structuring, negotiation, and strategic alignment of care teams and executives, ensuring a cohesive approach to meeting and exceeding the incentives outlined in VBCs.

Compass with Acclaimed Health Partners logo in the middle.


Where Do You Want To Go?

Icon of signpost with arrows pointing in different directions marked with question mark, X, and check mark.


Acclaimed offers value-based contract restructuring that goes beyond traditional contracting services by exposing the reimbursement black boxes to reward providers for the quality of care they provide.

Icon of a presentation monitor displaying a pie chart and data.

Patient Engagement

Acclaimed ties patient engagements, data, interoperability, and care coordination back to value-based reimbursement agreements, ensuring optimal financial and clinical results for provider systems.

Icon of a business professional standing next to a chart.


Acclaimed helps providers effectively manage their workforce to ensure the right number of qualified staff are available at the right times. This includes temp staffing, workforce management, performance monitoring, and more.

Icon of a bar chart with an upward arrow.


Acclaimed ensures the appropriate identification, capture, and use of coding gaps to highlight conditions that may go untreated, unreimbursed, or result in significant patient dissatisfaction and lower quality health outcomes.


The Heart of Healthcare

By harnessing decades of experience from both providers and payers, Acclaimed offers revenue-driven, strategy-focused, and insight-based solutions built specifically for healthcare providers. Our services-based organization represents a transformative shift of turning analytics into action, placing more control back in the hands of providers to deliver better health outcomes.


We unlock revenue growth potential, ensuring sustainable financial health for provider organizations.


Our robust strategies empower healthcare providers to dynamically adapt to the evolving landscape of healthcare.


We transform analytics into action so providers can identify trends, optimize resource allocation, and tailor patient care.

Circular infographic with sections labeled Data, Strategy, Revenue, and Insight.

Meet The Team

Brad is an accomplished executive with over 25 years of leadership across private, public, and non-profit healthcare segments. Having orchestrated and led high-value negotiations throughout his career, he is a skilled operations leader with extensive experience in turnaround, optimization, services design, and solution implementation.

Brad Howard


Phil is an accomplished healthcare executive with over 30 years of progressive leadership. Along with extensive clinical experience, he possesses a broad background in strategy, solution development, and sales engineering at some of the largest companies in healthcare, including Oracle/Cerner Corp., UnitedHealth Group, and Wolters Kluwer.

Phil Stadler

Vice President, Sales


Let’s get going. Let’s get connected.

Discover smarter way to save by partnering with Acclaimed Health Partners.